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Jaques Smit
7 min read
The Duchy of Roviere
Government: Monarchy, subject to the King of East Rendin
Ruler: Duke Ethrium Roviere
National Religion: The Cult of the Weave

Jaques Smit
10 min read
Guide to Murapii
(The Heart of Mura by DALL-E 3) Spanning half of the continent of Apour, the empire of Murapii has been shaped by a legacy of religious...

Jaques Smit
12 min read
The Jing - A Unique Species
(Original map by Jaques Smit) The Jing are intelligent nudipleura with highly malleable physiology. Being able to breathe air and water,...

Jaques Smit
10 min read
Pilgrim's Guide to the Holy City of Kindra
Embark on a spiritual journey to the Holy City of Kindra, a realm where the earthly meets the divine atop the revered Holy Mountain...

Jaques Smit
4 min read
How does the Magic work in Ayrul?
In Ayrul magic is like sunlight. It gives life and ecosystems grow around it. Like the sun, it can be used to power things. But...

Jaques Smit
3 min read
City Map of West Haven
West Haven, the illustrious capital of West Rendin was founded by the visionary Armand du la Rent in 325 A.R.M.

Jaques Smit
2 min read
Meet the Goddess Lot
Lot is a goddess who embodies the polarities of existence: Winter and Summer, Life and Death. Her domains of power...

Jaques Smit
2 min read
City Map of Anthir
Nestled against the unforgiving chill of the frozen north, Anthir stands as a bastion of civilization...
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